31/12/2015 | | | 審計委員會職權範圍 (227KB, PDF) | Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 30 November 2015 (369KB) |
03/12/2015 | | Announcements and Notices - [Other - Business Update] | 截至二零一五年十一月三十日止股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (460KB, PDF) | VOLUNTARY ANNOUNCEMENT (41KB) |
24/11/2015 | | Financial Statements/ESG Information - [Interim/Half-Year Report] | 自願公佈 (237KB, PDF) | INTERIM REPORT 2015/16 (1924KB) |
13/11/2015 | 財務報表/環境、社會及管治資料 - [中期/半年度報告] | Announcements and Notices - [Interim Results] | 中期業績報告 2015/16 (1879KB, PDF) | INTERIM RESULTS ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 (949KB) |
09/11/2015 | | | 截至2015年9月30日止六個月的中期業績公佈 (717KB, PDF) | Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 October 2015 (443KB) |
02/11/2015 | | Announcements and Notices - [Change in Compliance Adviser] | 截至二零一五年十月三十一日止股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (471KB, PDF) | CHANGE OF COMPLIANCE ADVISER (42KB) |
30/10/2015 | | Announcements and Notices - [Date of Board Meeting] | 合規顧問變動 (226KB, PDF) | NOTICE OF BOARD MEETING (37KB) |
22/10/2015 | | Company Information Sheet (GEM) | 董事會會議通告 (186KB, PDF) | COMPANY INFORMATION SHEET (137KB) |
05/10/2015 | | Announcements and Notices - [Terms of Reference of the Audit Committee] | 公司資料報表 (289KB, PDF) | TERMS OF REFERENCE OF AUDIT COMMITTEE (176KB) |
05/10/2015 | | Next Day Disclosure Returns - [Others] | 翌日披露報表 (173KB, PDF) | NEXT DAY DISCLOSURE RETURN (130KB) |
02/10/2015 | | Announcements and Notices - [Results of EGM/SGM] | 2015年10月2日舉行的股東特別大會投票表決結果 (199KB, PDF) | POLL RESULT OF THE EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING HELD ON 2 OCTOBER 2015 (45KB) |
02/10/2015 | | | 截至二零一五年九月三十日止股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (459KB, PDF) | Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 30 September 2015 (369KB) |
14/09/2015 | | Announcements and Notices - [Notice of EGM/SGM] | 股東特別大會通告 (236KB, PDF) | NOTICE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING (45KB) |
14/09/2015 | | | 股東特別大會(或其任何續會)適用的代表委任表格 (295KB, PDF) | Form of proxy for use at the extraordinary general meeting (or at any adjournment thereof) (65KB) |
14/09/2015 | | Circulars - [Exchange or Substitution of Securities / Other] | 建議股份拆細、建議更改每手買賣單位及股東特別大會通告 (464KB, PDF) | PROPOSED SHARE SUBDIVISION, PROPOSED CHANGE IN BOARD LOT SIZE AND NOTICE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING (140KB) |
10/09/2015 | | Announcements and Notices - [Discloseable Transaction] | 完成有關收購物業的須予披露交易 (200KB, PDF) | DISCLOSEABLE TRANSACTION IN RELATION TO COMPLETION OF ACQUISITION OF PROPERTIES (38KB) |
04/09/2015 | 公告及通告 - [資本重組 / 更改每手買賣單位 / 交易安排(更改每手買賣單位除外)] | Announcements and Notices – [Capital Reorganisation / Change in Board Lot Size / Trading Arrangements (other than Change in Board Lot Size)] | 建議股份拆細及建議更改每手買賣單位 (342KB, PDF) | PROPOSED SHARE SUBDIVISION AND PROPOSED CHANGE IN BOARD LOT SIZE (70KB) |
01/09/2015 | | | 截至二零一五年八月三十一日止股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (459KB, PDF) | Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 August 2015 (369KB) |
14/08/2015 | | Financial Statements/ESG Information - [Quarterly Report] | 第一季度業績報告 2015/16 (1909KB, PDF) | FIRST QUARTERLY REPORT 2015/16 (1768KB) |
12/08/2015 | | Announcements and Notices - [Quarterly Results] | 截至2015年6月30日止三個月的第一季度業績公佈 (427KB, PDF) | FIRST QUARTERLY RESULTS ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2015 (450KB) |
12/08/2015 | | Announcements and Notices - [Results of AGM] | 2015年8月12日舉行的股東週年大會投票表決結果 (252KB, PDF) | POLL RESULTS OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HELD ON 12 AUGUST 2015 (51KB) |
03/08/2015 | | | 截至二零一五年七月三十一日止股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (459KB, PDF) | Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 July 2015 (370KB) |
17/07/2015 | | Announcements and Notices - [Date of Board Meeting] | 董事會會議通告 (186KB, PDF) | NOTICE OF BOARD MEETING (37KB) |
03/07/2015 | | Announcements and Notices - [Discloseable Transaction] | 有關收購物業的須予披露交易 (290KB, PDF) | DISCLOSEABLE TRANSACTION IN RELATION TO ACQUISITION OF PROPERTIES (55KB) |
02/07/2015 | | | 截至二零一五年六月三十日止股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (459KB, PDF) | Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 30 June 2015 (369KB) |
30/06/2015 | | | 代表委任表格 (324KB, PDF) | PROXY FORM (62KB) |
30/06/2015 | | Announcements and Notices - [Notice of AGM] | 2015 年股東週年大會通告 (270KB, PDF) | NOTICE OF THE 2015 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (61KB) |
30/06/2015 | | Financial Statements/ESG Information - [Annual Report] | 2014/15年報 (3887KB, PDF) | ANNUAL REPORT 2014/15 (3777KB) |
30/06/2015 | 通函 - [一般性授權 / 回購股份的說明函件 / 在股東批准的情況下重選或委任董事] | Circulars – [General Mandate / Explanatory Statement for Repurchase of Shares / Re-election or Appointment of Director subject to Shareholders Approval] | 建議授出發行新股份及購回股份的一般授權及建議重選退任董事及2015 年股東週年大會通告 (520KB, PDF) | PROPOSED GRANTING OF GENERAL MANDATES TO ISSUE NEW SHARES AND TO REPURCHASE SHARES AND PROPOSED RE-ELECTION OF THE RETIRING DIRECTORS AND NOTICE OF THE 2015 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (232KB) |
30/06/2015 | | Announcements and Notices - [Final Results] | 截至2015 年3 月31 日止年度的年度業績公佈 (535KB, PDF) | ANNUAL RESULTS ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2015 (438KB) |
08/06/2015 | | Announcements and Notices - [Date of Board Meeting] | 董事會會議通告 (195KB, PDF) | NOTICE OF BOARD MEETING (37KB) |
01/06/2015 | | | 截至二零一五年五月三十一日止股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (459KB, PDF) | Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 May 2015 (369KB) |
07/05/2015 | 公告及通告 - [盈利警告 / 內幕消息 / 其他-業務發展最新情況] | Announcements and Notices - [Profit Warning / Inside Information / Other - Business Update] | (I) 正面盈利預告﹔及 (II) 業務最新資料 (272KB, PDF) | (I) POSITIVE PROFIT ALERT; AND (II) BUSINESS UPDATE (63KB) |
04/05/2015 | | | 截至二零一五年四月三十日止股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (459KB, PDF) | Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 30 April 2015 (369KB) |
30/04/2015 | | Announcements and Notices - [Change in Board Lot Size] | 更改每手買賣單位 (256KB, PDF) | CHANGE IN BOARD LOT SIZE (52KB) |
01/04/2015 | | | 截至二零一五年三月三十一日止股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (463KB, PDF) | Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 March 2015 (432KB) |
16/03/2015 | | Announcements and Notices - [List of Directors and their Role and Function] | 董事名單與其角色和職能 (59KB, PDF) | List of Directors and their Role and Function (77KB) |
16/03/2015 | | Announcements and Notices - [Terms of Reference of the Nomination Committee] | 提名委員會職權範圍 (150KB, PDF) | TERMS OF REFERENCE OF NOMINATION COMMITTEE (108KB) |
16/03/2015 | | Announcements and Notices - [Terms of Reference of the Remuneration Committee] | 薪酬委員會職權範圍 (140KB, PDF) | TERMS OF REFERENCE OF REMUNERATION COMMITTEE (107KB) |
16/03/2015 | | Announcements and Notices - [Terms of Reference of the Audit Committee] | 審計委員會職權範圍 (181KB, PDF) | TERMS OF REFERENCE OF AUDIT COMMITTEE (123KB) |
16/03/2015 | | Company Information Sheet (GEM) | 公司資料報表 (255KB, PDF) | COMPANY INFORMATION SHEET (189KB) |
16/03/2015 | | | 組織章程大綱及章程細則 (559KB, PDF) | MEMORANDUM AND ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION (471KB) |
16/03/2015 | | Announcements and Notices - [Allotment Results] | 以配售方式 於香港聯合交易所有限公司 創業板上市 (410KB, PDF) | LISTING ON THE GROWTH ENTERPRISE MARKET OF THE STOCK EXCHANGE OF HONG KONG LIMITED BY WAY OF PLACING (140KB) |
09/03/2015 | | Listing Documents - [Offer for Subscription] | 以配售方式於香港聯合交易所 有限公司創業板上市 (4599KB, PDF) | LISTING ON THE GROWTH ENTERPRISE MARKET OF THE STOCK EXCHANGE OF HONG KONG LIMITED BY WAY OF PLACING (4435KB) |
09/03/2015 | | Announcements and Notices - [Formal Notice] | 以配售方式 於香港聯合交易所有限公司 創業板上市 (364KB, PDF) | LISTING ON THE GROWTH ENTERPRISE MARKET OF THE STOCK EXCHANGE OF HONG KONG LIMITED BY WAY OF PLACING (99KB) |
05/03/2015 | 申請版本及聆訊後資料集 - [聆訊後資料集或相關材料] | Application Proofs and Post Hearing Information Packs or PHIPs - [Post Hearing Information Packs or PHIPs or related materials] | 聆訊後資料集(第一次呈交) (7479KB, PDF) | PHIP (1st submission) (3044KB) |
05/03/2015 | 申請版本及聆訊後資料集 - [聆訊後資料集或相關材料] | Application Proofs and Post Hearing Information Packs or PHIPs - [Post Hearing Information Packs or PHIPs or related materials] | 聆訊後資料集(第一次呈交) (多檔案) | PHIP (1st submission) (Multi-Files) |